Sunday, April 12, 2009

Epitaph without any words

After I died, what do I want to written on my epitaph? I often ask this question to myself and I think this question for a long time. In my opinion I like my epitaph doesn't have any word. Mybe someone will think it's surprising, but I don't think so. I think that if someone known me, they can know every things abou me. So I don't need writen any words on my epitaph, because they know every things. If someone didn't know me, they will not come to my tomb. I also don't need to writen any things in my epitaph, because on one that I don't know will come to my tomb. If I was a famous person, everyone can remember me with out epitaph. If I was not a famous person, no one can remember me after 50 or 100 years even though I have a very good epitaph. I think do some significant things when you are alive is best epitaph.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's interesting that you say that you don't want words on your gravestone because no one will know you in 50 to 100 years anyway. To an extent that is true, no words does say a lot about a gravestone too.
